PVCC Wine Marketing Class

By. Neil Williamson, GMG

For over twenty years, I have been lucky to serve as an instructor in Piedmont Virginia Community College Workforce Services Viticulture program. I teach the Wine Marketing class where in addition to lecture we have a class activity that is critiqued by a panel of industry experts. I have to thank the dozens of industry friends who over the years have served as members of my expert panels.

This year, for the first time I put most of the class items into a powerpoint presentation. At the request of the learners, I have posted the class materials here (pdf).

I anticipate around two hundred folks have taken the Wine Marketing class since inception. It is always great to have alumnus sit on the expert panel.

I do hope The Trellis Group can continue this small contribution to the advancement of the industry.

Respectfully Submitted,

Neil Williamson, The Grumpy Marketing Guy